The Hawai‘i Birding Trails website is your guide to finding birding trails. Use the interactive map to explore hotspots along our birding trails and plan your trip with printable checklists. Read all about our many feathered residents in an easy to use search page. Before you go, learn about our native birds, tips for successful birding, and how to bird ethically.

Hawaiʻi Bird Species

Hawai‘i’s birds represent one of the greatest examples of variety and adaptation anywhere in the world. In addition to the unique native species, many introduced birds also call Hawai‘i home. In only a few hours, an intrepid birder could spot endangered native species, African game birds, European song birds, and North American waterbirds.
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Iiwi, photo by Sherman Wing

Hawai‘i Island Festival of Birds

Celebrate Hawaii’s unique blend of birds – from native honeycreepers found nowhere else in the world to common backyard birds from five continents. The annual Hawai‘i Island Festival of Birds bean in 2016 and provided support for the startup of the Hawai‘i Island Coast to Coast Birding Trail.

Birding Ethics

It’s important to be respectful of the birds and the areas they live in when birding. Many hotspots are in fragile ecosystems and require special care. Others are near working ranches or urban areas and require good neighborly conduct.
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