Keāhole Point

- Keahole Point2
One of the best locations to see seabirds, without getting wet, is the Hawaiʻi’s Island’s western most point, Keāhole. This rocky point is also a good example of coast strand and the shorebirds that inhabit this type of ecosystem. This area is within the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi (NELHA) and is accessed by driving though the Laboratories main road (Makako Bay Drive), then turning onto Haʻukeʻuke Way. Bathroom, picnic area, and trash are located at nearby Wawaloli Beach Park. Please be respectful of the Laboratory and their tenants, as well as local fishermen at the shore. Also, please be respectful of the cultural sites and burials beyond the parking area.

Managed by: Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii
Hours & Site Information: Visit Website
American Birding Association Common Name | Hawaiian Name | Scientific Name | |
Hawaiian Goose | nēnē | Branta sandvicensis | |
Gray Francolin | Ortygornis pondicerianus | ||
Black Francolin | Francolinus francolinus | ||
Red Junglefowl (domestic) | moa | Gallus gallus | |
Hawaiian Petrel | ʻuaʻu | Pterodroma sandwichensis | |
Bulwer’s Petrel | ʻou | Bulweria bulwerii | |
Wedge-tailed Shearwater | ʻuaʻu kani | Ardenna pacifica | |
Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna grisea | ||
White-tailed Tropicbird | koaʻe kea | Phaethon lepturus | |
Band-rumped Storm-petrel | ʻakeʻake | Oceanodroma castro | |
Red-tailed Tropicbird | koaʻe ʻula | Phaethon rubricauda | |
Great Frigatebird | ʻiwa | Fregata minor | |
Masked Booby | ʻā | Sula dactylatra | |
Brown Booby | ʻā | Sula leucogaster | |
Red-footed Booby | ʻā | Sula sula | |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis | ||
Black-crowned Night-heron | ʻaukuʻu | Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli | |
Hawaiian Hawk | ʻio | Buteo solitarius | |
Hawaiian Black-necked Stilt | aeʻo | Himantopus mexicanus knudseni | |
Pacific Golden-plover | kōlea | Pluvialis fulva | |
Wandering Tattler | ʻūlili | Tringa incana | |
Bristle-thighed Curlew | kioea | Numenius tahitiensis | |
Ruddy Turnstone | ʻakekeke | Arenaria interpres | |
Black Noddy | noio | Anous minutus | |
Least Tern | Sternula antillarum | ||
Rock Pigeon | Columba livia | ||
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | ||
Zebra Dove | Geopelia striata | ||
Barn Owl | Tyto alba | ||
Warbling White-eye | Zosterops japonicus | ||
Northern Mockingbird | Mimus polyglottos | ||
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis | ||
Yellow-billed Cardinal | Paroaria capitata | ||
Saffron Finch | Sicalis flaveola | ||
Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis | ||
House Finch | Haemorhous mexicanus | ||
Yellow-fronted Canary | Crithagra mozambica | ||
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | ||
Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild | ||
African Silverbill | Euodice cantans | ||
Java Sparrow | Lonchura oryzivora | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | Lonchura punctulata |