Salt Pond Beach Park

Salt Pond Beach Park offers a calm bay, protected by a stretch of reef which serves as a natural breakwater. Allowing a view into the adjacent salt ponds in addition to the ocean views, this site provides opportunity to observe sea birds and wetland birds. Between the months of December and April, this beach is also a good viewing point for Humpback whales, which are often as close as a 1/2 mile from the shoreline.

Managed by: Kauai County Department of Parks & Recreation
Hours & Site Information: Visit Website
American Birding Association Common Name | Hawaiian Name | Scientific Name | |
Brant | Branta bernicla | ||
Hawaiian Goose | nēnē | Branta sandvicensis | |
Hawaiian Duck | koloa | Anas wyvilliana | |
Northern Shoveler | koloa moha | Spatula clypeata | |
Northern Pintail | koloa māpu | Anas acuta | |
Green-winged Teal | Anas crecca | ||
Red Junglefowl (domestic) | moa | Gallus gallus | |
Laysan Albatross | mōlī | Phoebastria immutabilis | |
Wedge-tailed Shearwater | ʻuaʻu kani | Ardenna pacifica | |
Red-footed Booby | ʻā | Sula sula | |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis | ||
Black-crowned Night-heron | ʻaukuʻu | Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli | |
Hawaiian Gallinule | ‘Alae ‘ula | Gallinula galeata sandvicensis | |
Hawaiian Coot | ʻalae keʻokeʻo | Fulica alai | |
Hawaiian Black-necked Stilt | aeʻo | Himantopus mexicanus knudseni | |
Pacific Golden-plover | kōlea | Pluvialis fulva | |
Wandering Tattler | ʻūlili | Tringa incana | |
Ruddy Turnstone | ʻakekeke | Arenaria interpres | |
Sanderling | hunakai | Calidris alba | |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus | ||
Black Noddy | noio | Anous minutus | |
Sooty Tern | ʻewaʻewa | Onychoprion fuscatus | |
Rock Pigeon | Columba livia | ||
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | ||
Zebra Dove | Geopelia striata | ||
Rose-ringed Parakeet | Psittacula krameri | ||
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis | ||
House Finch | Haemorhous mexicanus | ||
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | ||
Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild | ||
Red Avadavat | Amandava amandava | ||
African Silverbill | Euodice cantans | ||
Java Sparrow | Lonchura oryzivora | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | Lonchura punctulata | ||
Chestnut Munia | Lonchura atricapilla |